Thursday, March 20, 2008Y
9:04 PM
AND SO~!!!!!
today's the day whereby our TOMATO-ED will arrive in the submission box.

I can't wait for the screen next tue. Woots~!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008Y
4:25 PM

YESSa~! we are done with everything, we compiled our documentation.
Subha had to make a trip down to the dentist and thus she couldn't come for group meeting.
AFter reviewing once, the audio was shifted a bit and then it was burnt out onto the dvd.

Woots~! we are ready for submission!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008Y
8:00 PM

Had interim 2 with julian.
Comments from Julian. " It's nice"
However, we lack of a sentance for old toto which julian suggested.
But the problem is that, audio room jus happened to have renovation going on.
The sound quality and pitch will be different if we were to record it using our own laptops.

So the idea was put off.

After julian is done with our group, he made us realised that 2 of our group members, Subha and rachel are not present. I guess me, huizhen, kong and yj are TOO EXCITED to show julian what we have done so far.

And so we continue editing at suite 10

Somehow after everything's done. WE jus don't seem to find that the credits is done. After reading and going through the credits with subha and rachel did. We realised that lots of other informations are missed out.

And so huizhen and i decided to redo the credits with FCP instead of Livetype.

Monday, March 17, 2008Y
8:52 PM
As usual, another do of editing.
WE did the final touches on the video and dvd to show julian the next day.
me and huizhen were looking and finding for sfx to add in some parts of the video.
Kong and yijie were settling the 2 design of the dvd cover. ^^

Friday, March 14, 2008Y
4:50 PM

The group took a break today since we are ahead of schedule and the interim is postpone to a later date.

Thursday, March 13, 2008Y
7:21 PM
AFter finishing our part of editing , Me and huizhen left early.
Yijie and kong were doing the opening credits which is very nice .
Subha and Rachel were doing a short teaser , which we onli need less than 10 secs.

However, All of us didn't expect them to take the whole afternoon to just find the suitable music for the less-than-10secs trailer. Same goes for the credits that they did the other day, which took them whole morning and afternoon.

I think the group is fortunuate to have extra time for us to spend on , in this kinda of situation. However, if possible i hope that no time will be waste for their future production .

Other than that we got to have everything done, audio, credits and opening. Left online video editing to be done.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008Y
9:09 PM
10- 11- 12 March. Audio editing period.

During these 3 days, It's the audio editing period for me and hz.

We had froggy as Mato

Nick as narrator and Old TOTO

Want to thankz nicholas and froggy for squeezing out time to help us out for the VO . THANKZ~! ^^
By 12th the audio was exported. We had it exported and brought back to hereafter to add it to the clips to sync to it.

Friday, March 7, 2008Y
7:38 PM

Nothing much,
Met up with hz,kong,yj and rachel
Exporting the final edited footages at 6-10/a. CLasses were going on in that lab so we had to wait from 12 plus to 4 plus to get it.
Kong did the motion graphics , can't wait to see it coming together with the video.

Thursday, March 6, 2008Y
11:51 PM

YESSA! first day of pre-production.

Went to school, then seach for some sound effects to be added.

Audio room was freezing cold. Can't really stand it, so had to walk in and out of the room.
Went to Level 6, 6-10/A mac lab to check of the room is available anot.
But to our dissappointment, it's used.
So back to Audio room for some offline audio editing.


YAY~! we found kong to do the motion graphics for the credits/ titles and others.
Rachel helped out with the editing of the video footages.
Yijie gave comments and look out for the audio syncing.
hz helped search of julian and we got to use Hereafter for editing. YESSA.
However, we were chased out at 6pm as they have to lock Hereafter for the day.

And the day ends at 10.35pm, after rendering screwed me up.
Waited around 45 to an hour for the footages to be rendered and export, but it stops at 66% as there wasn't enough disk memory.

Gosh~ then decided to head home before the guard come and chase me out. Wee~

So glad that the footages are done.
Love my group ~!!! woots~! and of coz the tomatoes.
Left with Audio and texts. ^^

Wednesday, March 5, 2008Y
11:21 PM


As for today, we have got to reshoot the scenes that have gone missing.
But, whahahaha, it wasn't a problem for us.
The talents didn't complain, the weather was a clear blue sky and the location was available.

However, the stunt-mato that we hired yesterday was too injuried to continue with the work due to the stabbing of the pineapple.

So we had to search for stunt-mato B.
And here's (from left to right) MATO, Stunt-mato A, stunt-mato B.

Other than reshooting the scene that have gone missing, there are additional scenes that we took for the ending.

And so.... I shall conclude and say that today's the end of shoot. I'll miss the tomatoes that have been with us for the pass 3 days, esp. Old TOTO who have been with us since last Friday, 5 days ago.

Our group is going on smoothly with what's to be done are done.
Left with editing and audio to be done.
Guess video footage editing should be done by Friday.

Good luck to all groups. woots~!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008Y
11:43 PM
2nd Production day . Day 7

Yay, it's day 2 of the production. Basically, there wasn't much time spend on setting up the place and get everything, set, lighting, talents, camera all set up and ready for the shoot.

Getting tomatoes in the mood that we want for the shots.
Here's the mini "smile "ready to be given to the Stunt-mato ( stuntman for MAto).

Stunt-man or MATO.
Left: stuntman wearing MAto's trademark spec.
Right: Mato.

ANd so we decided to use Pineapple instead of durians, as there was some problems in getting durians for the shoot. Which means that we don't have to stink up ourself and Yokeee's p2 AIR- conditional room with the durian. The sharp blades of the Pineapple that went through the stunt-mato.

Tragic. Check out the injuries that the stunt-mato have suffered for the day.
Left: stunt-Mato still in pain.
Right: Mato, still in good health.


And here comes the problem. we were transferring and doing offline editing for the footage in 6-10 Mac lab. Then hz and i started going " oh $h!t" and what's not, when we found out there there are some footages that have gone missing.

Which means that we have got to reshoot the missing scenes tomorrow. I think that it shouldn't take a long time since we've got only 3 scenes to reshoot.

Other than that, after watching through the offline editing with Hz, I love it so much and it was so funny and cute. Both of us were laughing non- stop at one of the scene whereby OLD TOTO had to talk at the end of the scene, as his moustache was twitching when the frames were repeated.

Monday, March 3, 2008Y
11:32 PM

Finally this day have arrived. Production day 1.
I guess each and every of the groups/ groupmates are so looking forward for shooting.
Especially our group, dealing with tomatoes and making them alive.

FIrst of all , here's the casting and make over for the tomatoes.

Step one: we choose the size and health condition.

Step 2:
Make the choosing talent to wear the trademark spec of the lead, Mato.
Not forgetting the, " i can't be bothered mouth" .
Tada~!!! ANd with this you get MATO~!

Step 3:
GEt a suitable spect for the Old tomato, TOTO.
MAke him grow some beard.
WAlah~! I present you Old Toto

Step 4:
CHoose extras.
John-Peter( that's one name, coz i can't remember if it's John or peter, guess one of it is it's middle name) and Susan.

Step 5:
Choose an Odd-one-out. ( 2 eyes sticking out)
Alien tomato, try spotting it in the upcoming Tomato-ed.

Old toto, John-peter, susan, Mato.

For first day of production, although there was a delay in the morning, try to set up the stuff and get the lighting right, we are still on track and surprisingly, we are way way way way way faster than the shooting schedule.

Encounted some problems on the first day, a lecturer almost had us chases out of the 3-10a room. We are so lucky that julian managed to come down on time to save us from the other lecturer and his class. We were to afriad that we have to pack up the super- duper messy room, and have to bring the whole set design to another room and set up again. in the end, the lecturer was kind enough to let us use the room for the day. If we were to shift to another room, it will take us 30 to 40 mins to pack up everything and another 30mins to get everything settled again for the shoot i guess.

Here's a photo of the other class's student waiting outside the room for us to shift out of the room.

THankz Kong and Yijie for taking care of the set and making sure that everything from equipment, set design to set and moving the set up and down of design . I think without them the set might have just be thrown away by some cleaners or destroyed by student with itchy hands.

So after the shooting was done, Huizhen and I went up to level 6 to transfer the footages. WAH~! we are so lucky that we've got Peng's and his " P2-bible" . HZ and i manage to figure out what setting to change in the setting so as to transfer the footage right from the camera to MAc, Rather than wasting time transferring to hard-disk and to Mac. It saves lots of time if the P2 card only have small amount of footages.

To our disappointment, THERE WAS PROBLEM IN UPLOADING IT ~! it'll state that the file is idle, which means that the clip can't be transfer ed over to FCP. Was so lucky that Peng happened to be online after we tried to phoned other for help. So the problem to it it that the upgraded version of the MAc can't open/ transfer those p2 clips. Phew, what a huge relieve.

Sunday, March 2, 2008Y
11:57 PM
So excited about tml's shoot.
Decided to do some detailed planning before the shoot.
thankz to huizhen, ha.. breakdown's done.

HAHAHA, so here's the expression that i played around for proposal. HA~ coincidently, huizhen also did some facial expression for the tomato .

Some facial features that are created for MATO , TOTO ,and the extras( susan, peter and the expressionless tomatoes. )

Friday, February 29, 2008Y
8:01 PM
PRE- PRODUCTION, DAy 5 : Presentation 1

Woots~! p2 mini " lesson" with peng
So cool~ then get to learnt some useful setting from it to use it in the video.
And the group conitnued buildnig the set up for the tomato farm.

We loan out the P2 cam , and tried with it, testing the frames, change the setting for stop motion. One stop. and played around with the 1F, 2F, 4F so see what is differences.

Thursday, February 28, 2008Y
11:48 PM

Day 4 was suppose to be the groups presentation. However, we have decided to choose to present on Friday which is tomorrow.

It was a long day for the group, we met up at 10am to help out with the set design. Yijie arh, Yi jie, why are you late for hours again?

Anyways, while waiting, kong went to get the structure of the set design and plan what to get for it while huizhen drew the storyboard, subha and Rachel do powerpoint slides and I began to write i tout in a story form .

And here's a video of a short stop motion that i tried out with huizhen.

Did some "Casting" for the Tomatoes since we are changing apples to tomatoes.
The reason to it is because the size differences between a tomato and a durian is much obvious than an apple to a durian. Tomatoes are soft and juicy, it will have a softer and fragile feel to it.

Here's the grass and the fence

Check out the matching~~~ green.

Then off to Bedok reservoir with huizhen to grab some stone, pebbles and twigs, while the rest continue with the set build up.

Back to studio and continue building, fluffy fluffy clouds. Rachel and Subha were making trees and mountains too.

We had some problems with the fence, but in the end we manage to glue it with hot gun.Using the hot gun was cool too .

TADA~! tomato-ed farm. Kong glued it. Nice right? Won't reveal the whole look of the set design. It's a surprise.

And here's the specific roles that are assigned :
PM - Suha
Producer - Rachel
Director - Novem
Assistant Director- Huizhen
DOP- Kong
Graffer- Yijie

It was a great fun helping DOP build the whole set up as a group. Ended the day off at 7pm. What a fruitful day.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008Y
10:10 AM

In the morning, the group gathered together in class and discuss on the details of the story that we wanted to do on. Yijie was late for the meeting, whahaha.

Once again, there was quite a number of disagreements within the group. I think that although disagreement on the ideas of the script can get on ones nerbes, but we still have to bare with it and hear what the others' opinion are. In the end , we had consultation with Julian and he came up with interesting ideas that could improve our story/ setting.

AFter seeing that the group isn't making much progression as we were stucked in the situation of coming out with the mini details to the story that we have, I decided to bring up the idea of assigning roles to each group members in the group. By doing so , it will be easier for the group to progress on.

So, yeah, the group agreed to it. Of course situation did change for the better ,Me and hz edited the script, kong and yijie took charge of the set design and getting contacts from PIDs , RAchel and subha went to get the materials need for the group.

By the end of the day, we managed to get the script done, materials bought and the set structure built up.

Woots~! Way to go. Importance of getting your roles and job done so as to get the group moving on..

Tuesday, February 26, 2008Y
11:21 PM

As for today, Each of the groupmates have returned with the Fables they have choosen and how they want to twist and interprate it into a video.

Julian came fr consultation on each of the stories that we have choosen. Was told that mine was kind of abstract. Also , afraid that it might be too draggy to be done.

However, mine was choosen to develop on within the group as the story is almost there. Huizhen, Daniel and Yijie came up with quite a number of interesting ideas to be develop. AND it was really really tough to settle down with an idea that could make each and every memeber like it.

Since we are taking too much time on settling down with an idea that everyone can agree on. We decided to use a different, and simplier Aesop Fables to work with. Aesop fabels with moral of " Greed" from Rachal and "There is no believing a liar, even when he speaks the truth." from Subha. So, in the end we used " The boy that cried wolfs".

And here comes the ideas:
-Using stop motion
-Using objects instead of humans

-Once again, not all group members are comfortable with the idea of using stop motion.

- Those we are in favour of the stopmotion idea and could see the picture explained to those that are not sure of stop motion. So that everyone i nthe group gets to know how it will turn out to be.
After many many mins to hours of discussion again, we decided to use Apples as the cast and create a stop motion of " The boy cried wolfs" story.

Here is a rough draft of the set design of what the setting of the Apple's location will be like. DAniel came out with the idea of the Apples living in a fruit farm or fruit basket, then i decided to doodle out a rough oen so that it's easier for everyone to visualise it and explain it.

Went to check out the different price , colours and sizes of the apples

I would say that Day 2's group discussion might be of a roller coaster ride. And of cause, if ideas don't work out, it was wise of the group to change it and try to make it work by taking on new ideas. That is why we are able to get an idea that all of us agreed on. Way to go~!