Wednesday, February 27, 2008Y
10:10 AM

In the morning, the group gathered together in class and discuss on the details of the story that we wanted to do on. Yijie was late for the meeting, whahaha.

Once again, there was quite a number of disagreements within the group. I think that although disagreement on the ideas of the script can get on ones nerbes, but we still have to bare with it and hear what the others' opinion are. In the end , we had consultation with Julian and he came up with interesting ideas that could improve our story/ setting.

AFter seeing that the group isn't making much progression as we were stucked in the situation of coming out with the mini details to the story that we have, I decided to bring up the idea of assigning roles to each group members in the group. By doing so , it will be easier for the group to progress on.

So, yeah, the group agreed to it. Of course situation did change for the better ,Me and hz edited the script, kong and yijie took charge of the set design and getting contacts from PIDs , RAchel and subha went to get the materials need for the group.

By the end of the day, we managed to get the script done, materials bought and the set structure built up.

Woots~! Way to go. Importance of getting your roles and job done so as to get the group moving on..